Message Title:-


As you are sitting down,i want you to pray:-
The harvest of my breakthrough is ripe oh Lord,visit me in your mercy.
1 Samuel 3:1
Beloved,we are in a generation where we keep God at a distance.
The church is growing,
The membership is swelling day and night.
BUT,men of Vision and Power are absent.

Look at the church of Eli in Shiloh,
And compare it to our present gathering.
It is the same.

Lots of men going to the temple.
Lots of activities in our churches.
Good offerings and tithes are presented.
And the priest is preaching what they want to hear.
That’s why the sons of Eli are selecting what they want.

What else can we see.
One man domination.
Eli,and his children,
That’s all.

And that’s everywhere nowadays
Look at churches(like ours also)
Me and my family.
Where are the other co-labourers?

The interest to serve the Lord is absent.
Listen to this wise saying:
“A troubled mind does not have anyone to comfort them”.

It applied to Hannah,
Hannah grabbed the Altar and was crying alone there.
The sheeps are going astrayed.
The lust of the world is filling the church.
Strange music is in our gatherings now.
Women and men with Familiar spirit are titled holders in churches.
Christianity is becoming pathetic.

1-In the days of Daniel for example ,Daniel 5:5
Even in the banquet hall,
where they are feasting,
Heaven opened,and a finger appeared on the wall,writing the proclaimed judgement on them.

2-In the days of Noah,
Gen 6:4-5
Unimaginable things are happening
Men were eating and partying.
Angels came and were sleeping with the daughters of men.
Corruption was having a field day.

The filth of the earth was so much that it replaced the sweet aroma expected.
Heaven got tired,beloved
Judgement was pronounced in vs 13.

What is happening nowadays?
Have it occurred to you that the end is near.
The signs are there again.

3-In the days of Lot,
Gen 19:4-5
Abomination in the land,
Abominable things are around us.
Everyday,it’s happening,
Men wanting to sleep with men and Angels,again.

What are we doing ,we so called Christians??
Are we going to stand and look,
And take on the coat of “we war not”

On the contrary,
We are in the days of Jonah.
One man against a whole city.
Only the set man is hearing from God.

But God promised us,
In Joel 2:28,
“It shall come to pass”
Beloved ‘When’?

Beloved,when shall it happen again?
When will our generation be filled with the Holy Ghost again.

The real one,
The real Holy Ghost,
Am not talking about the one you are taught and trained.

Where are the Open Visions.
So where are the manifestations?

Eph 4:17-19
[17] This I say therefore, and testify in the Lord, that ye henceforth walk not as other Gentiles walk, in the ‘vanity of their mind’,
18] Having the understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their heart:
19] Who being past feeling have given themselves over unto lasciviousness, to work all uncleanness with greediness. …

When we are growing up,
The church was on fire.
Every meeting there must be someone whom God put His Spirit on.

Nowadays,almost none.
The church is breeding fowls,chickens.
These are Floor animals,
who cannot fly or bite
Who are satisfied with the Crumbs

We are all interested in receiving from God.
We are not interested anymore in Infilling of the Holy Spirit.

What is in the Outstreached hand is what we are interested.
We are not interested in what we can do for God .

Every day,
Men and women are coming to Gods presence only for what they can get from His hands,
They avoid to look at His face.

Mosses came down from the mountain,
A man who dares look at Gods face,
But his fellow humans cannot look at him,

Search yourself,
And ask yourself this 3 Questions;
-Can you pray for the sick and something happened?
-When last do you hear from heaven.
-What is in your dreams?
Heavenly revelations or Worldly torments?

That’s why many Doctrines are springing up,
And they are thriving,
Because the members don’t know their left from their right.

Even nowadays,
Men are taught how to speak in tongue.
Beloved,It’s getting dramatic.

One will speak in tongue,that’s what is written,
The other will interprete.

-They are Lost to the world.
-Running for their stomach.
It’s time to move closer to God.

The church is breeding Chickens,
Chickens are Floor animals,
And whereas,
We are supposed to be High Flyers.
To mount up with wings as Eagles.
Tell your neighbor :

We saw:-
-laziness in spirit and physical.
-enjoyment galore/dancing and eating.
-negligence of warnings of Rightful living.Message of the Cross is absent.
-lust abound(where lust is reigning,true love is always absent)
-men rushing to (Shiloh) where they will be comfortable,
Where teachings and preachings are what they want to hear,and not to be pruned,and on fire.

MATT 28:18-20
Jesus Christ gave us 3 Commandments:-
-gave us power,
-preach the gospel,

We find it easy to dip men and women in waters nowadays.
We find it easy to distribute flyers,
advertise our churches and gatherings.

We find it easy to use social media networks to attract men to our gatherings.

But we neglect the last aspect-POWER.
Why are we becoming a wasted generation?
Gatherings of christian are turning cold.

We turn churches to dancing/disco clubs.
Worldly music,wriggling of waists is now common.
Gradually now,we are introducing Neon lights in some churches now.
Light meant for Disco clubs,
In Gods house.A shame.

As you are sitting down there now,
If there is a word of knowledge from God:
“We are going to be meeting here every day for 21days,
We are sleeping in this church and pray for deliverance of this nation.

How many do you think will come.
Especially when we say “it is for this nation”.
Are you going to turn up?

Why do we neglect the power aspect?
Now we have:
-Chickens in the house of God.
-lazy christian.
-pregnant men in our churches.

Chickens are fat,
Eagles are light weight.

If your Paramount and dominating thought is how wealthy you may be,
It will show you how spiritually lazy you become.

Jer 7:1-11(NLT)
The Church of Eli in Shiloh
The more many graduated from the back seat to the front,
The more dead in spirit they becomes.

The question is :
“why do you look for another to do deliverance,healing for you when you too can.

Joel 2:28 says:
” God will pour out His spirit upon your sons and daughters,and they shall prophecy,
Yes we are doing that,THANK GOD.
Even doing it wonderfully.

What about healing,deliverance.
“Physical manifestation aspect”
It’s absent.

JESUS said,”I have given YOU,YOU,YOU,
Power,to trample upon serpent and scorpions.

Do you know what Our Lord is saying here?
Jesus is talking about:
– powers many cannot control,
-Powers you cannot confront alone,
-Powers that bites to death without remorse..

He said,
They are under your feets,

I decree NOW,
Power to trample upon , any rage of darkness,enter you now,now now.

But nowadays,
The devil is mocking the power of God in us.
God said,the lame,the blind will not build the city,
King David rose up at once and wipe them out.

Now,the lame,blind,deaf are having their own section in our services.
Do you know what the devil is showing us,
We keep them as a sign of our weakness.

God is looking for men and women who He will impart His powers on.
-Where Are you?
-Where are the Elisha’s?
-Where are the Joshua’s?
-Where are the Apostles of our time?

How could we have degenerated to this level we are now.
It is because of Sin.

Sin turns away the face of God.
He cannot even bear seeing His Son suffering for the sin of the world on the Cross.

Sin makes the vision dark.
Sin makes the Angels keep their distance.
Sin kills.
Sin put a man in bondage.

Where there is once fire,
Now is ashes.
Go back to Shiloh,
It’s like nowadays,

Some still think they “have it”
Just because it’s looking rosy.
Whereas the God of the Ark has departed.

It happened in 1 Samuel 4:3-
Where They were totally defeated.

Today’s message is for you all to come back to Christ.
Many think they are in Christ,
No,beloved,you are in Doctrines.

Many think they are in Christ,
No,you are in Religion.

Many think they are in Christ,
No,you are in Denomination

Self Righteousness is everywhere.
Me,myself,my congregation.
My church.

The last time I check my bible,
It was written there,
In Ephesians 6:12
We are not fighting Flesh and Blood.

But Church is fighting Church.
Pastors ganging against another pastor.
All in the name of self righteousness.

Jesus gave us a STRONG word of advice,He said,in Matt 12:30
“He who is not with me is against me,
He who does not gather with me is a destroyer.”

So,ask yourself,ARE YOU A DESTROYER?
– do you destroy others with your mouth?
-look at others with Indignation.
-wash others down with your eyes.
IF you are guilty of this,
God is a powerful friend,and a dangerous enemy.
The psalmist says,it’s a DANGEROUS thing to fall into the hands of God.
It’s only Him who can save and throw to hell.

We must ALL return to Christ.
Pick our Cross and begin to follow Him.
Not follow any church doctrine.
Because whatever doctrines that’s against the Cross,is not of Christ.

Lastly,I want to leave you with the advice given by Apostle Peter:-
1 Peter 2:1-6.

Think after reading this message and take the necessary actions today,
The trumpet may blow at anytime.


Message title:-


Matt 11:7-17

In this text,our Lord Jesus Christ was referring to the violent expectations of the Jews on Messiah.

Their unwavering faith,
High courage,
And Endurance,
that one day,
The Messiah will come.

But now when He is around,
They refused to acknowledged Him.
With all the prophecies pointing to the root of David,they missed it.

That’s why Jesus was saying we have piped unto you,you refused to dance.
-all prophecies,
-signs and wonders,
That foretold His coming does not help them.

They are captured by unyielding spirit,an adamant spirit,the spirit of this is how we view it.

Working Scripture:-
Zechariah 7:8-14

The adamant spirit,and the unyielding spirit.
The prophet was warning the people here about the danger of “hardening your heart”.

Ignoring or refusing God’s warning hardens you each time you do wrong.

Your Samson,sleeping with the prostitute and manifesting on the altar,will be queried by your Delilah one day.

You make altar calls,
You listen to confession of sinners,
And you too is doing the same sin everyday.

A time will come,when the odour will stink to the heavenlies.

And that’s why we are looking at the danger of Adamant spirit.

Experience is not born with,
you learn experience.
So it is a great joy,if you,
as a child of God can learn and correct yourself from the Errors of others.
Prov 9:9

Many never really plan before they Proceed,
The failure a man faces does not start that day.
It is gradual.

You can go to church,for so many years and be ordained a deacon,deaconness,pastor,elder,
and not connected to the Lord.

We all know the story of the prodigal son.
Who is the worst prodigal son?
-the junior or the senior brother.
The senior? Why?

He was not connected to the father,although he was with the father 24/7.

That’s why after weeks of looking at the church of Eli in Shiloh,
Something crept up,

“How did this great move of God and His people began to drift towards Unyielding spirit of destruction?

Bend down your head,and ask the Holy Spirit this salient question,
“How did i end up here?
“How did i miss it?

It is good to start with the life of King Saul,
One time,he was dinning with the most powerful prophet in the land,
The other time,he was dinning with the witch of Endor.

Am praying for you,
Gradual decay will not infest your life in the name of Jesus.
(Give me a fire Amen pls)


Let us look at some Unyielding Spirit:-

1-Anger and Ego.
It is eating yourself,
It is fighting fire with fire.
The emptier the pot ,the faster it takes to boil.

When your life is getting empty of the Holy Spirit,
You get easily provoked,
And there is no true humility.

But if you are full of the Holy Spirit,
It will take a very long time for you to be angry,and the spirit of truth gives you holy humility.

1 John 2:16
Lusting is a very bad evil spirit.
Because of the love of sex,money,secret love affair,the world,
Many have destroyed their shining star.

They don’t want to hear any preacher touch that area of their lives.

Lust of the Eyes,
Lust of the flesh,
The pride of life.

Bow down your head,and search your life:-
“is there an area of your life you don’t want this preacher to preach on?
Ask the Lord to redeem you from the lusting..

Phil 4:6
Why do you worry when you can pray.
Reverse it,
Why Pray when you can worry.

Worry comes into a man gradually
It sucks your joy.
It kills your peace.
It drains your joy.

Be careful for nothing,
The bible says,
But with prayer and thanksgiving…

Worrying is a sin of not trusting God.
Putting God aside.

Pastor Eli must have been in this state.
-What if these set of people leave my church,what happens?
-if I preach too much on their weakness,maybe they get angry and leave the church?

When you worry,
Nervousness sets in.

4-Seared Conscience
The worst of them all is
“Seared conscience”
1 Tim 1:5-6 & 19.

All the:-
-profession of Christianity,
you are hearing daily,
They are supposed to lead you to Faith and a good conscience.

Your conscience is a God given monitor.
Some have:-
-Good conscience,
-seared conscience,
-strong and clear conscience.

Our conscience
-condemns us.
-commends us.
-Appreciates us.
-It brings peace, and satisfaction,
Only when the behaviour is good.

But on the other hand ,
Your conscience activate :-
When the behaviour is evil.

Romans 2: 14-15
[14] For when the Gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these, having not the law, are a law unto themselves:
15] Which shew the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and their thoughts the mean while accusing or else excusing one another;) …

The Gentiles who do not have the law of Mosses are doing the proper things,
-don’t steal,
-not violent to others,
Because they have it in their heart written .

Clean,clear,sensitive,approving conscience belongs to every potential workforce of God.

Note this beloved:-
-if your conscience is gone,
life is gone.
-if your conscience is gone,
conviction is gone,
-holiness and righteousness is gone.

Keep your conscience in a spiritual phase that will not be polluted.
When you loose these 4 things,
Gradual backsliding and decay sets in.

But my concern goes out to those who says,
“I am who I am,by my efforts”
“I am who I am,by my strength”

Ezekiel 16:1-34 (NLT)
Am going to read it slowly so that it will sink in.

Let us rise up beloved:-
What is it that have made you to degenerate to not listening and loving God like before.
-identify it.
-cast it out,
-burn it with fire.

Begin to call on the Saviour to come inside your temple,NOW.

Many received blessings from the Lord,and then,they started raising their shoulders to the King of kings

How terrible.
“It have to be my time,not God again”.

Have you easily forgotten,
When you pray and fast and cry for that thing?
Where is your power at that time?

Everything you thought you have is like a house of cards.
A little breeze from the Lord will crumbles it.

Refused to be caged by the:
-elements of this world.
-powers of this world.
-influence of this world.
-fingers of this world.
-dressings of this world.
-Pretence of this world.
-ideas of this world.
All must expire.

When you allowed these things to manifest,
They start to rule your lives and gradually,
Your fellowship with the Holy Spirit is marred.

You stop yielding to His voice,His directions.
And finally,you received a cheap ticket to decay and hell.

1-Father,cast out every adamant spirit of hell from my life.
2-My movement will not become a monument in the name of Jesus.
3-The elements of this world will not separate me from my Rock,from the Holy Spirit.


Message Title:-
“The Race Is Not For The Swift”

Scripture reading:-
Eccl 9:1-end.
(Balance the Temple of Your heart)

The story of the race between the Hare and the Tortoise.
There once was a speedy hare who bragged about how fast he could run.

One day,
Tired of hearing him boast,
the tortoise, whose nickname was “Slow and Steady”
challenged him to a race.

On the day of the race,
All the animals in the forest gathered to watch.

Hare ran down the road for a while and then and paused to rest.
He looked back at Slow and Steady and cried out,
“How do you expect to win this race when you are walking along at your slow, slow pace?”

Do you know what happens next?
The Hare stretched himself out alongside the road and fell asleep, thinking, “There is plenty of time to relax.”

Slow and Steady walked and walked.
He never, ever stopped until he came to the finish line.

The animals who were watching cheered so loudly for Tortoise, they woke up Hare.

Hare stretched and yawned and began to run again, but it was too late.
Tortoise was over the line.

Other animals who were the onlookers shout at the hare:-
“Don’t brag about your lightning pace, for Slow and Steady won the race!”
Working Scripture
1 Cor 1:17-29

Who are the Swift:-
-I know all
-it’s my power
-my ability
-I am wiser than you all
-those who does not reckon with the speed of the Holy Spirit.

There is a lifting Power beloved:
And you can have it.
The same power of Old is still available.

Psalm 78:26
He caused an east wind to blow in the heaven:

-to Ahab he thought,with his strong horse,
he can run faster than Elijah.
But Elijah knew,
That there is power in the east wind.
It quickens.

King Pharaoh thought he had Mosses and the children of Israelites in a tight corner.

With the Redsea,no way of escape.
His calculations were proved wrong.
The mighty wind,came to their rescue.

Do you want to catch up with your divine assignments,
Ask Philips.
-The wind again in action.

But all these are for those who are:-
-Broken down
-Total surrender
-die to the flesh
-His will,not yours
-His vision
-His game plan not yours.

Not for:
-bragging minds,
-Not for proud,
-Having plan “B”
-Ashame of Christ,
-Depending on the voice of people
-This is how we do it type.

Why should a child of God decided that it is better to take the wide way.
At least everyone I knew is passing the wide way.
Only few are taking the narrow way

You have to be able to balance the temple of your heart.
Go back to Church of Eli in Shiloh again,
If you are a bible reader,
Many things are going wrong.

1 Sam 2:12-17
We can see:-
-riotous service with barbecue.
-not obeying the lay down rules concerning Worship.
-love of flesh(sex)
-love self Honour
-self recognition.
-contempt and arrogance
-lust for power,possesion and control.

So if you love these,how can you balance the temple of your heart?

Now to Eli the priest,
Why did he choose not to confront the situation.

Numbers 15:22-31 explains it all.
He should have executed his children.
But instead,he decided they can ruin their lives and that of others.

There are times when difficult situations must be confronted,
Whether it be painful or not.

Are you aware,
That the wrath of the devil is against the covenant of God?
Daniel 11:31 explains better.

Daniel 11:31
“And arms shall stand on his part, and they shall pollute the ‘sanctuary of strength’ and shall take away the daily sacrifice, and they shall place the abomination that maketh desolate”.

Father,show me if am already in problem,with my associations.

There are 2 baptisers in the bible and they are both cousins.
-John the baptist
-Jesus the baptisers.

Their way of baptism is different,
-One with water,
-The other with Spirit.

So ask yourself,
Are you truly baptized with the baptism of Jesus or with the way of this world.

If you are baptised from above,you cannot be debaptised from below.

If you are really Annointed,
It’s going to be you and your God.

Annointing sharpens your focus,
Your father may not support you,
Davids father did not.

King David knew it’s in between him and his God.
No one else.

Listen beloved,
God never Annoint 3 groups:-arrogant group,
Stop allowing anyone to put a label on you.

Covenant man is a man of agreement.
The man who understand all about being Annointed.

The annointing is not for you,it’s for somebody else.
For their sickness,healing,help,addictions.

Let me repeat it again:-
“If you are born from Above,you cannot be unborn from below”
Because Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is Liberty.

Why are you casting your precious pearls on Pentecostal Swines and Dogs?
Abuse -is -inevitable.
They will trample on it and come after you.

If they Discredit your :
hold on to your vision.

The brothers of Joseph did more than them,
They bow to him later.

Look at the sons of Eli,
They forgot how God called them
And it’s a pity.

Many forget how they are before God:
-called them,
-annoint them,
-appoint them,
-bless them.

They loose the vision to the retoricks of life.
They sell their God for the believe of the world.

Now they carried EGO and they ask :
Who are you?
Is this not the son of Joseph the carpenter?
Are we not the one who raised him up?

They all have one thing in common.

Folk,learn today,
You are here to make a big difference in this life.

If you can see how God sees,
You will do the impossible.
And see the ancient mysteries others are not seeing.

Hold firmly,
To that that was committed into your hands.

What am saying is,
If you truly receive the Holy Ghost completed with Power,
You will not be convenient at what is happening around you.

The swift is not a winning spirit,
Our Lord Jesus Christ gave us an example about preparation, in
Luke 14:28 and 31.

So not all that glitters is gold,
Not all that others love must you love.
Prove every spirit if they are of Christ.

If you don’t,you may volountarily put handcuffs on yourself,and hand yourself to the powers of darkness.

Am praying for someone here,
“The mesmerizing power of this land shall not swallow you,in the name of Jesus.

The race is not for the swift.
The race is not for the ‘sharp-sharp’.
It always ends in disaster.