Destiny is a Moving Target.
SUNDAY MAY 1st,2016
By Pastor Kayode Olaniran
Destiny is a Moving Target.
3 Scripture reading:-
1-Ps 39:7
2-2 Cor 4:8-9
3-Hebrews 10:35-36
I want to address what I called a Parked Spirit.
For us to understand this message, I want to ask you a simple question::
-Have you ever tried to steer a parked car?
It is a difficult task.
So do you know that a parked spirit is difficult to steer.
So also, God cannot steer a parked spirit man.
Your destiny is a moving target, not a straight line.
You must pursue what is in your heart,
Not giving up.
What is a Parked Spirit?
-at a dead end for answer
-giving up easily to defeat
-throwing in the towel, like in a boxing bout.
-the fuel to continue is gone
-when the situation seems fuzzy, dark,
-when Gen 1:2 three arrows are in operation.(Arrows of Voidless, Formless and Darkness)
There is a bus stop called “This is how far God has helped me.
A bus stop of hopelessness
Thank the Lord, that He is not through with you.
If He is through with you, as you are through with Him, we should have had your burial ceremony last week.
But He is gracious, faithful, ever present.
Do not deceive yourself, the battle that will kill you will not settle for a comma.
Beloved, your destiny is an ever moving target, not a straight line.
Daily you are required to be correcting your course, not rigid.
That’s why one proverb says,
-as long as men have learnt to shoot without missing, Birds have also learnt to fly without perching.
“Your destiny is a moving target”
Micah 6:8
God is expecting from us this 3 things:
-love mercy
-walk humbly with God
Anytime this 3 things are missing from your life,
-heaven sees you as a loser
-now your Aura you present to men of the world is like this door mat that says:
What is your Motive in life as a Christian?
-your own is Curiosity
-or you just wanted to get something out of Jesus(to be blessed and get out of the church)
-Or a strong divine desire to encounter the Truth.
But if the zeal to love, trust and obey Him is no more,
-the heat is gone, rats and cockroaches will begin to nest in this type of heart.
“Your destiny, is a moving target”
You must NEVER miss or waste your chance.