Compromise will produce Captivity
Sunday April 17,2016.
Message title:
Compromise will produce Captivity.
Scripture reading:-
2 Peter 1:1-12
Am starting this message by this 2 words of Encouragement:
A-The enemy cannot enter your house if you don’t open the door.
A stupid man will open the door of his house to allow him to come and destroy his home.
B-Power of Dominion.
You have been given power to take control of your mind and thought.
Matt 14:14-19
Stop limiting yourself,
Stop begging your contacts for help.
He that is joined to the Lord is one Spirit with Him.
Am saying look at heaven, not this world.
If you are looking at this world, you will always compromise.
There are values you must not compromise.
Others may be doing it, you cannot.
Compromise will produce Captivity.
Proverbs 4:1-9
When you embrace good values,
You will be Honored soon.
You will see others doing things that are contrary to your believe,
don’t worry, a day is coming when “Honor” will be crowned on your head.
Learn to Walk uprightly:
No one can make a crab to walk upright.
The vision is for an appointed time.
Hold on to it.
Listen, it is better to marry late than marry wrong.
If you marry wrong, it can destroy everything, including your Destiny.
Walk upright.
It is expensive for you to take shortcuts.
Captivity is around the corner.
Evil Counsel:
Beware of workers of iniquity,
Those so called friends.
So ask yourself,
Whose Counsel do you always follow?
God or man?
If it is God,
You will be crucified to Total Obedience
If it’s man,
It is called Satisfying the arm of flesh.
Who have believe our reports?
You can deceive everyone,
But you cannot deceive yourself.
You cannot embrace the same value as others, because everyone has different and distinct character.
Look at Rebecca, two nations were in her womb,
Jacob and Esau,
That’s why they cannot behave the same.
The value that takes you to that top position will sustain you there,
BUT, if you allow character defect, it will ruin you.
While others may, you cannot.
You must never allow the confidence of God in you to be shaken.
It is expensive for your faith to loose sight of the Cross one minute.
Satan goes around and is looking for the one to devour.
Why did God gave Joshua this commandment?
Joshua 1:8
“this book of the law shall not depart from your mouth,
You shall meditate in it day and night”
Because evil doers are around,
That’s why the bible says,
Satan can masquerade himself as the Angel of Light.
Enemy Fire
Many born again Christian are warming themselves in the enemy fire and they are getting comfortable like Peter.
(Luke 22:55-61)
Compromise will lead to Captivity.
NOTE:-When purpose is not known, abusive is inevitable.
Your purpose in life have a way lined up in heaven for you to achieved it.
Look up to Jesus,
He is the author and finisher of your faith.
So when you fail,
When you have disappointed your God,
GO BACK, and start all over again.
It is not too late to start all over.
Paul said something deep:-
Romans 17:15
That I don’t want to do, I keep doing it.
How many are here today, fighting silently with:
-your hand
-view of life
-perception of things
-to be acceptable and recognized.
I pray, in the name of Jesus, His grace shall see you through.
Don’t forget where God have taken you from when it is good for you.
If a river forget his source, the river will dry.
Pray this prayer:-
Father, reveal to me why you save my life.
His righteousness get things done
Am saying when you get result,
men will come to celebrate you.
Just refuse to compromise.
-I pray you will not compromise.
-I pray, the world will not overcome you.
-Am praying for you again,
the power that drew Gehazi away from being one of the greatest prophets will not manifest over you. Amen.