In Jude verse 12,the Scripture speaks about spots in our feasts:
-Stains in our character,
-Blemishes in our lives,
-Unbeffiting characters,
-Your dishonesty,filthiness ,
-vain bravery and vain pride.

Message title:-
Your Identity Is Tied To Your Possession.

Scripture Reading:-
Mark 10:17-25

Beloved,straight away,
2 questions comes to mind :-
-Who are you in Christ
-Who did men say you are?

This mans story of salvation is an unusual one.
You have to sell all you have and give to the poor and then you are welcome.
It’s unusual.

This story reminds me of Elisha
He too let go.
Elisha let go all his life saving and start from the scratch.

One of our hymns says,
I laid down my life to save you,
What have you done for me…

In Luke 12:15,
Our Lord was teaching on this subject.
He said:-
Take heed, and beware of covetousness: for a man’s life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesseth.

Furthermore,He gave us the parable of the rich man.
In vs 16-23.

Let us look at the mirror of our lives and see some tags that is identified with our behaviour:-

Fill in the gap beloved:-
If you have:-
-lying spirit,men called you…(Liar)
-you cannot read and write….(Illiterate)
-cannot see(blind)
-no money (Poor)
-you have money(Rich)
-puffed up (Egoistic)

Now let us look at the church,
When you mentioned:-
-Pst Adeboye,(Humility)
-Pst Kumuyi(Holiness)
-Reinhard Bonke,(Healing crusader)
-Pst Olukoya(fire and die)

This is just but a few of your possesion that makes men to identify you.

So,look at your life,
How do men describe you?

Eccl 1:8
Be often mindful of the saying:
“The eye is not satisfied with seeing nor the ear satisfied with hearing”.

Strive therefore to turn away thy heart from the love of the things that are seen and set it upon those things that are not seen.

Those that follow after their own fleshly lusts defile their conscience and destroy the grace of God.

It is vanities to seek after and trust in those things that perishes.

Dwell upon the life of Jesus.
Imitate Him.
Everyday,Ask yourself so many times this question:
-will Jesus do this i want to do?


Its time to surrender all
You have to let go anything you received from the world.

Vs 30 is saying whatever you give up you get back 100 times.
Now let us move further to building ourselves.
1-Empowerment for example.
You must give up your:-

When you surrender this,what do i get:
-real understanding of Whom God is.
-easy obedience
-wisdom comes
-Your Words are honoured in heaven
-fire comes
-you know the secret things.
When a man is lying you know.



This message is for those who wants to stop:-
-blessing diversion.
-rewards going to others.
-anti testimonies.
-if you don’t want to struggle and struggle and finally get little success.
-good starters and bad finishers.

Listen very well to the message from the throne of heaven.

Message Title:-

(loosing the Holy Spirit,your salvation )

Scripture Reading:-
Hebrews 10:19-end(NLT)

Bow down your head and Pray:-
Every enemy, battling you and your destiny must receive defeat in the name of Jesus

Everybody wants to win his battles,
Everyone wants to be different.
To be successful in life,
You must win your battles.

PRAY-Every enemy, battling you and your destiny must receive defeat in the name of Jesus.

Different types of battles of life:-
Some battle with:
-Hatred and Jealousy.
-Spirit of death and sickness,
-Vagabond spirit,
-Dream pollution,
-Spirit husband and wife,
-Evil family pattern,
-Suicidal thought,
-Lateness in marriage,
-Like father like son problems, and
-Curses of different types.

These battles are the apprentices of satan, unfortunately,
They never graduate from their master,
because hell is their graduating place.

The bible calls this darkness in different names:-
-The snare of the FOWLERS
-Arrows that flies by day
-Destructions that wasteth at noon days
-The lion and the adder
-The lion and dragons
-The terror by night
-The pestilence that worketh in darkness.

The bible give them Horrible and terrifying names and that is EXACTLY,their actions.

Oh God arise,set every agenda of the mighty,for my life on fire in the name of Jesus.

Everybody wants to win these wars
Because the written word is affliction must not rise up again.

All powers in heaven and on earth ,has been given to you.
You are conquerors,you are born to trample on the head of serpent and destroy the scorpion of this world.

You can wage war on Extremely bad forces.
And shocking terrifying forces can be waged war on and overcome.

But Nowadays,there is a revival of these powers.
All this battles are for you to fight and win.
There is a war you should never strife to overcome,
If you Wage war against it is destruction .

A man named Samson waged war against Him,
and he was rejected.
How can you wage war against the power that creates you?

Jugdes 13:24-25
Some of the exploits of Samson are recorded as follows:-
-Kill Lion with his bare hands.
– He single handedly killed 30 men in Ashkelon.
-He won battles with the Philistines.

He can only accomplished all this by the Spirit of God dwelling in him.

-Disobedience to God and his parents.
-the love of Women.
-Worldly appraisal.
-The love of Great physical strength and having moral weakness.
He cannot balance the two.

The consequence of sin is always there.
-He ends his life on the lap of Delilah.
-His two eyes were removed and used as SOVENOUIR
-His hair,the symbol of the Holy Spirit,was shaven off.
-He broke all the VOWS of being a Nazarite.
-He was mocked in the presence of those who feared him.

Beloved,what A tragic way to end a promising life.(Mark my words)

Why did the Psalmist cried,
he knows the meaning of :-
-his cover,
-his guiding angel,
-his security,being taken away.

The psalmist was saying,
Lord take away my riches,
Take away my job,
Take away all the conveniences,

Resisting the conviction of the Holy Spirit is grieving the Holy Spirit.
Look at Heb 10:29(NLT)
“Just think how much worse the punishment will be for those who have trampled on the Son of God, and have treated the blood of the covenant, which made us holy, as if it were common and unholy, and have insulted and disdained the Holy Spirit who brings God’s mercy to us”.
Many mock the Holy Spirit day and night.

Many speak all the Holy languages but they are still tied to sin.

Nowadays,christians are in the habit of-

Why should you allow anything to de-annoint you?
Why should heaven be calling out:
And you cannot hear.

Am praying for you,
The Comforter will not depart from you.

-He is your comforter in times of trouble(Psalm 23:4)
-He revealeth deep and secret things.
-Your Gps(Isaiah 30:21)
-He is there to destroy all the works of satan,because all his agents are apprentice,
they never graduate,because their certificate is waiting for them in hellfire .

Do you want to win this battle?
How can you win the battle.
Let me show you the surest ways:
1-Compare Isaiah 28:9,with
Isaiah 14:13-16,
Just allow pride to take its place and knowledge will disappear from your life.

2-Concerning your Spirit,
2 Cor 7:1,
refuse,don’t clean your flesh of all filth.

3-Matt 12:32-
Just allow The Spirit of Blasphemy to have his way in your life.
When you blasphemes,you are backstabbing the power that established you.
He will not share His glory with anyone was the written words.

4-Isaiah 59:2-3,
defiled your hand with blood and your fingers in iniquities .
Psalm 66:18

5-Allow EGO to establish his kingdom in you,thereby loosing your humility.
Ego and true humility cannot dwell together in a man.

6-Avoid constant communion with God.
Stop fasting,praying,meditation
Surely,You will win the battle .

7-2Sam 22:45-46
Reverse it,
submit yourself to strangers,
Be a stranger to holiness.

Put on the ARMOUR of (Eph 6:12)

Then you will surely win the war and the Holy Spirit will leave you.

I besiege you Brethen,fight the good fight of faith.
Don’t allow the Comforter to depart from your lives.
It’s well with you in Jesus name.

Pray this prayers:-
-Internal Strongman,troubling my destiny,expire
-Wind of God,fall upon me,and scatter every evil habitual behavior
-Fire of God,fall upon me,and scatter every evil habitual behaviour.


Message Title:-
“With Instructions Comes Distractions”
Scripture Reading:-
1-Prov 1:10(Enticement )
2-Luke 11:28(Hearing and Keeping)
3-1 John 5:7-15

Beloved,we have just read 2 great verses instructing us about how to live and not break your fellowshipping with God.

What do you see in those verses:-
-don’t be carried away by glamour of this world
-keep Gods commandment
-then you are blessed.

Working Scripture:-
Gen 22:1-8
1 Sam 16:1

Brethen,put this 2 scriptures in your heart,

2 men were called,and given instructions:
-one obeyed fully,
-the other obeyed partially

So,the big question is:-
“why was King Saul rejected”

Last week,
The Lord was showing us how to guide our lives and destiny from loosing its FLAVOUR.(When Salt looses its taste message)

I want to talk today about your self choice and God choice.
The instructions of God in your life is always clear.

Distraction is a terrible disease and a very powerful weapon in the hand of the enemy of our soul.

The devil knows that distracted people cannot commune with their God properly or hear His voice.

To know the level of your faith is to measure how easily you are distracted.

Distraction power turns winners into beggars.
This power demotes the promoted.

Any power,that is pushing you,to make wrong choices,shall be disgraced today.

These are powers that :-
-cut off the wings of an eagle.
-that fast track men from success to failure .
-encourages frustration and discouragement in men.

Any man who cannot fulfilled his or her destiny has come to this world in vain.

So beloved,”How are you going to fully expressed the purpose of why you are here”.

Devil is after xtians,to derail us by all means.
It is now left for you and I to fight back.

Tell your neighbor
“If you hold on to error,
You will find terror”.

From the days of John the Baptist,
the kingdom of Jesus suffereth violence,and is still under the violent attacks.

The sign of a good church,is not how many are worshipping there,
-It is how many lives are changing for the good.
-How many lives are truly submitting themselves to the true Jesus.

I thank the Lord,for the lives of all the members of NAHM,
Your lives are a testimonies to other believers out there.

Powers,cutting the wings of my eagle,catch fire.
1 Sam 15:1-3
Did he hearkened?NO

He makes poor choices when time presented themselves .
“Because of people”

The instructions was very clear:
Go and wipe out the Amalekites,
Don’t spare anything.
Not even animals.
Did he hearken fully?No.

Half obedience is disobedience.
Many who are paying tithes are not receiving the full benefit,why?
Mal 3:10 says bring ye all the tithes,
Not some,not half.

Do you know the difference between Burglary and Robbery?
-breaking into someone’s property is burglary.
-at gun point,taking something from another is Robbery.

So,if you are not paying tithe,you see what you are doing to your creator.
“You are an Armed robber”.

Many are trusting God to
-bless them
-give them resident permit
-heal them
-make them fruitful,
But they cannot trust Him when it comes to tithe.(Mal 3:9)

So if you are not a tither,you will hate tithe announcement.
If you are not a worshipper,you will hate worship time
Let us go back to King Saul again
-In 1 Sam 13:8-11
He rushed to do the sacrifice,why?
-Bc he said he saw the people scattered from him.

Poor choice again,
Bc of the people

1 Sam 15:14-15,24
-Bc of the people,
-Bc of your friend.
When will you learn?

“With every instructions from heaven comes distractions”

Who are the people you are surrounding yourself with?

Men and women who are there to distract you,and derail you.
-Impatient people,
-Rebellious people
-People who will compel you,
against the Lord.

You must get out of that Unholy alliance today.
Get this word of wisdom and print it in the soul of your heart:-

“Great eagles fly alone,
Great lions hunt alone,
Great souls walk alone”.

Many are there ONLY to ruin you.
“With instructions comes destructions”.

John 6:66
From that time,ANTI CHRIST(666)enter into their midst.

Wherever we have the church of God,
The Synagogue of satan is not far.

Judas Iscariot means Assasin.
Jesus did not made the mistake,
He prayed all night,
But the father said,he (judas) is PART OF THE PACKAGE,

Judas never see power
All he saw was how to fill his pocket.
Look at John 12:4-6

Selfish people never understand generosity.
Carnal mind look at giving as a cost
Extravagant givers never see what they give as a cost.

In that Instructions God have given you,what do you see?
-do you see the Lord,or you see loss.(I.e when you take action,it is a waste)
-profit or loss
-grab opportunities or loose opportunities.

John 7:3
Don’t allow men to influence your decision
Your time may not have come yet,
Love your silence,
Until the day of your showing forth.

Don’t forget you have a father who sees in secret
If you Plan everything in His way,
The world cannot destroy you.
Eccl 9:11
You,yourself know you cannot run far,
Why should you allow Men to think you can run far.
Don’t run BF your time.

I refused spiritual crash landing
( when heaven becomes a brass)
Do you know that, you,
Coming in contact with some people initiates
“mystery of iniquities” in your lives.

“With Instructions comes distractions.

What do you think happened to the 3 wise men In Matt chapter 2?
-they,for a short moment digress from the star leading them.

They seek favour in the high places,
i.e the palace.
And They were lost,
to the glamour of the palace.

So ask yourself:
-Where your expectations are,
Are they divine?

Vs 10,of Matt chapter 2 says,
“they were EXCEEDINGLY GLAD when they came in contact with the star”.

I pray,
You will not run yourself to Disaster,in the name of Jesus.

Amos 2:10-16
This is what happens,when you leave God out of your actions.
Remember,the arm of flesh can never help.

There is grace in “ACTION”
-Riches are not for men of Understanding
-Bread is not for the wise
Because you are wise does not mean you will be rich.(Ecll 9:13-15)

So ask yourself tonight:-
What will distinguish you from the rest of the world?
What will show to the world that you are special?


1-ONLY WHEN GOD SHOW YOU,forth.(makes you)

Gen 28:10:19
Bethel was the place,Jacob met the Lord,
He erected an Altar and dedicated Bethel to the Lord,
And from that day,that’s the acceptable place in Israel.

And now,a king by the name of Jeroboam decided to distract Gods children.

He erected an idol in Bethel,
to worship his gods,
And erected another in Dan,

But note this beloved,
God was not interested in the altars in Dan,
Because nobody handover Dan to Him,
He was only interested in Bethel,
Because it’s a place of Covenant,
between Him and Jacob.

God may be angry with you as you are sitting down now,
Because you yourself is allowing men and women to tamper with the Covenant God had with you.

Look at King David,
He followed the instructions from heaven
He provided huge sums of money to build the Temple,
And he knew he will never worship there for one day.

Can you do that?
Provide for another person even if you will not be appreciated.

Look at John 12:7 again
The woman prepared the body of Christ for burial.
Do you understand?

Let us confirm it from Mark 16:1
He was hurriedly buried and was not Annointed for burial.
But they have forgotten that that happened in John 12:3

” Then took Mary a pound of ointment of spikenard, very costly, and anointed the feet of Jesus, and wiped his feet with her hair: and the house was filled with the odour of the ointment.

If she had not followed the instructions she received from heaven,and prepared Jesus for the journey ahead,what would have happened?

Look at King Saul again beloved,
Do you noticed that what brought him to the Lord took him away from the Lord.
-Sheep.( 1 Sam 9 & 15)

That’s what is called in plain English:
(coveting the fattest ram)
It’s in the blood.

Be careful,not to be distracted from your source of joy.
Be careful not to be driven to and fro with very doctrine of this world.
With every Instruction comes distractions.


3 days healing and deliverance programs.



Scripture Reading:-
Matt 5 :13-16


Decay,both in spiritual and physical does not comes suddenly in a man’s life.
-Business collapse,
-Separation in marriage,
-even Backsliding,
does not come in a day.

The signs are out there,but we failed to noticed.
All many see is problem.
They failed to activate what is called

ISAIAH 41:28-end
This is a loaded verse
And it’s showing us the state of our Christianity

That’s the lamentation of what’s happening to us believers.
Kings becoming powerless.
We are chasing things that we are PROMISED will be running after us.

Listen beloved,
Not everyone noticed if the soup is lacking maggi,or onion or pepper.
Only the few,
Only the gifted can.

But if the soup is lacking salt,
Almost everyone can notice it.

That’s why the bible is emphasizing the importance of salt

Leviticus 2:13
Says every oblation of meat offering shall you season with salt.

Colossians 4:6 says:
“Let your speech be alway with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man”.

-it’s talking about your speech being Gracious and Attractive.

Thats what the Lord is showing you today.
We all see openly problems manifesting,
We failed to notice when it starts.

Let us take Marriage for example,
I encourage you to have a nickname for your partner.
Because anytime things went wrong,
That special name automatically disappear from his mouth.

Instead of Honey,M.D,suggarlolly,
You now hear “hey you,”
As if the partner is a dog.

“When the salt looses its taste”.
-Your friendship,
-Your marriage,
-Your working environment needs careful scrutiny.

Do you know,
That the devil knows our

Jude vs 4 says:
“For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus”.

Two cannot walk together unless they first agree.
The devil deals with our:-
Of our partners.
Anytime these 4 items are removed from relationship,it becomes Tasteless.

Men loves to polish their outer being,but their inner minds are empty.

We love to put –
foundation etc on our faces,but there is no equal interest in your spiritual energy.

Thats why they fall under different forms of hypnotism,pentecostal witchcraft and all forms of deception.

Many lives are being redesigned by other men.
Their spiritual level is zero.

Ecclesiastes 10:6 says, “Folly is set in great dignity, and the rich is sitted in the low place.”

Here, we see a rearrangement;
the rich has been brought down while the foolish is prompted to the top one way or another .

Ecclesiates 10:7 says, “I have seen servants upon horses, and princes walking as servants upon the earth.”
There are so many masquerading princes around who have been redesigned to become servants.

Am praying for someone today:
Any power forcefully riding the horse of your destiny shall summersault.

In 2 Tim 3:13,
The bible says,”the evil doers and seducers will wax stronger,
deceived and being deceived.

You need resident fire in your spirit.
So when they come near you,your inner spirit begins to reveal who they are to you.

Build up your spirit man today,
So that you do not fall into the hands of workers of deception.
Be careful of your salt going sour.